Children of Angelique Lapointe and Edward Hickey
Margaret Hickey born ca 1839 married in Charlo on Oct.11/1864 Amable Carrier s/o
Joseph (John) and Marie Zoe Tardif
John Hickey born ca 1840 married Margaret Legouffe
William Hickey born ca 1842 married Mary Legouffe
Charles Hickey born 1845 married Mary Ann Lapointe
Mary Hickey born ca. 1847 married Jeremiah Carrier
Edward Hickey born Mar. 15/1851
George Hickey born Jan. 19/1852
Francois Xavier Hickey born ca 18553 married Sept. 10/1888 Mary Landry d/o John and
Marie Lapointe
Angelique Hickey born ca. 1856
David Hickey born 1858
Robert Hickey
This page was designed by Irene Doyle, January 1998