Children of Augustin Audet (shcoolmaster) and Marie Anne Pepin dit Lachance
Augustin Audet born Carleton Oct. 29/1819
Anne Flore Audet born Carleton Feb. 14/1821 married Carleton Feb. 13/1843
Joseph Cormier s/o Aime Cormier and Marguerite Pheobe Leblanc
Laurent Audet born Carleton July 7/1822
Francis Xavier Audet born Carleton Jan. 10/1824 married Grand Riviere Que.
Sept. 13/1847, Agnes Marguerite Stiber d/o Henry and Mary Belliveau
Jean Jeremie Audet born Carleton Sept. 19/1825
Josephine Audet born Carleton Oct. 12/1827 married Francois Xavier Stiber
s/o Henry and Mary Belliveau
Marcelline Audet born Carleton Dec. 12/1828 died Carleton Apr. 1/1847
Lydie Audet born Carleton Mar. 4/1830
Jean Marie Audet born Carleton Dec. 31/1832
Pierre Mathias Audet born Carleton Sept. 18/1834
Eloise Audet born Carleton Nov. 17/1835 died Carleton Jan. 24/1836
Moise Audet born Carleton Apr. 27/1838
Philomene Audet born Carleton July 6/1840
Honore Audet born Carleton Noc. 20/1842
Petronille Audet born Carleton Oct. 10/1844 died Carleton Aug. 30/1845
This page was designed by Irene Doyle, January 1998