Children of Jean Baptiste Audet dit Lapointe
s/o Nicolas and Madeleine Despres
and M. Louise Godbout
Jean Baptiste Audet dit Lapointe married at St Jean Ile Orleans
(1)on July 20/1739 to Agathe Greffard d/o Jacques and Jeanne Terrien
(2) at St Jean I.O. on Aug. 18/1732 to Catherine Rondeau
d/o Etienne and Gabreille Louise Moreau
Louis Audet dit Lapointe married at Ste Foy on Aug. 4/1743
to Catherine Belleau d/o Jean and Catherine Berthiaume
Pierre Audet dit Lapointe married at Ste Famille I.O. on Apr.7/1750
to (1) Angelique Charland d/o Pierre and M. Anne Guillemet
(2) at St Francois de Sud on May 2/1752 to M. Therese Tibaut
d/o Louis and M. Josephte Gaudin
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